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Completing a three year writing project, Edward Gauthier published Invasion of the Dream Wheel in May of 2022.
What's the story about?
In the year 2204, PharmaGov is sneaking serum 232 into every marketable medicine available giving the government control of the citizen's subconscious. Though this plot is discovered very late, still a revolt forms. Logonus won’t join the revolution because he is enthralled with building the Trance Interface Platform (Dream Wheel). But when PharmaGov kills Logonus’ mother, he reacts, joins, and takes on the rebel’s Bonsai Project to destroy serum 232.
Invasion of the Dream Wheel is classic science fiction that encompasses time travel within a highly adventurous story of rebellion. Meet Acuity Nine, a giant nine tentacle octopus that can out calculate any known computer. There’s chloro-humans whose skins feed on sunlight, and there’s the Dream Wheel (front cover) capable of sensing past trauma of its passengers and reproducing that traumatic scene upon its deck for all to witness. Watch out, for the Dream Wheel will invade your mind as soon as you open the book.
What are the critics saying?
From Erik, who left this review on my Amazon book site:
Invasion Of The Dream Wheel is science fiction at its extraordinary best. The novel is well-wrought with compelling characters that are interesting enough to become your best friends. The settings, oh the settings, they are many and varied with descriptions so expertly done you seem to fall into the scenes. You can feel the wisteria vines wrap around your arm. The story is skillfully constructed with surprising turns yet it never strains your credibility. I highly recommend this book. Grab a copy and take an exciting ride on the Dream Wheel. It will change you.
From Kirkus Review:
“Gauthier jampacks his story with plot and character details. The 23rd-century storyline proves the most remarkable. Loganus is a green-blooded chlorohuman whose body gets most of its energy from the sun, and his xenobiologist mother lab-created an intelligent, tentacled being that communicates telepathically. This SF outing mixes in a solid historical tale with the recruits’ different eras and passing years. For example, Kevin becomes a Marine fighting in Afghanistan, and Miriam takes a harrowing sea journey to America as the Indian Wars rage. Still, the SF element remains prominent; one character faces an unfortunate fate, which may change if the trio stops the development of SR232. While the alternating time periods and the recruits’ trading first-person narration generate a brisk pace . . . Gauthier writes with panache . . . The ending, considering all that unfolds, offers a surprising resolution.“
From an anonymous reader:
Gauthier’s novels never fail to keep the reader’s attention, and this one is no exception. The story begins in the future but quickly carries us back in time to multiple settings through the device of the Dream Wheel, introducing interesting characters in an intricate plot that in any other writer’s hands might strain credulity. It is no small tribute to Gauthier’s talent that the pieces fit together as tightly as the panels of his Dream Wheel, creating an imaginative story that keeps the reader turning the pages all the way through.